The vicepresident of the Foundation
Ewa Janiszewska
Psychologist / Therapist / Brain Health Advisor / Certified Biostructural Analysis and Structogram® Tool Trainer / Lecturer at Higher Education Institutions and Universities of the Second and Third Age
Psychologist / Therapist / Brain Health Advisor / Certified
Biostructural Analysis and Structogram® Tool Trainer / Lecturer at
Higher Education Institutions and Universities of the Second and Third Age
For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by the human brain and its capabilities. I am also intrigued by how people communicate with each other and why communication misunderstandings are so common—in families, companies, and among friends.
This is why I combine these two areas professionally, showing my clients how to use knowledge of their own brain’s structure to build satisfying professional and personal relationships. I also teach memory and focus techniques.
As part of my foundation work, I advise on how to apply knowledge about the brain to build effective business relationships, thereby successfully achieving set goals.